Join our exclusive community of sustainable brands

... and benefit from our collective reach.
Do you have a sustainable business and sell sustainable products? Apply now for a partnership.

What does it mean to be our partner?

Get presented on our climate action cards

Be part of the solution and present your business as a sustainable alternative on one of our action cards.

Curate content in our knowledge section

Your knowledge will help our users to understand specific influences on our climate.

Mutual support in social media

Your knowledge will help our users to understand specific influences on our climate.
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Entdecke über 150 Actions!

Lerne mehr über deinen Individuellen Einfluss...

... und darüber wie alles zusammenhängt

Unsere Projekte sind sinnvoll und effektiv um CO2 zu kompensieren

Learn more about the OneClimate Fund
Learn more about the OneClimate Fund

What you get out of it

Get high quality, carefully prepared leads for your promotions
Our users want to take action. When you explain to them why it makes sense to support you and why this will help reduce CO2 emissions, you create brand ambassadors, not just customers. {With research-backed points on why your product aligns with their climate-positive principles.}
Be recognized for your leadership in sustainability
Stand out from your competitors by being part of OneClimate and show how you outperform them sustainability-wise by becoming an exclusive partner for one of our CO2 categories.{the wording of this is unclear... Stand out from your competitors by encouraging sustainability. Partnering with us establishes your brand as the leading climate-positive industry leader}
Become part of a new movement!
You have the chance to help shape the next generation of B2C climate action with us!
{You have an opportunity to help shape the next generation of B2C products that contribute to our goal of reduced carbon footprints and promote sustainability.}

How we will collaborate

Share our purpose and walk the talk
Your product or service has a measurable positive environmental impact. You act on reducing carbon emissions and pass our sustainability questionnaire.
Curate content for your action cards
You co-create the action paths with us to let our users know how they can live more sustainably with your solution.
Support our marketing campaigns
You encourage your audience to take climate action with OneClimate to support our marketing campaigns. You will benefit from the reach of other partners.
Let’s grow our revenues and impact together
Become an exclusive partner for our affiliate program and align your revenues and impact with ours. 

Didn’t find what you need?

Write us an email and we will provide you with the material we require.

Socials {would look nice if the icons had the same color like in the homepage}

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